Chronic fatigue is already getting in the way
My module site opened today which is very exciting! Unfortunately, I have been dealing with debilitating fatigue for the past few days, to the point that I cannot focus on anything or keep my eyes open. I didn't expect fatigue to affect me on the first day/when my module site opens!
I'm really not sure what's going on. I've been going to bed earlier, taking some pills to help me sleep deeper, I took two naps yesterday but they didn't give me any relief and I really struggled to get up this morning - I still felt exhausted! I really hope this subsides soon. I was hoping to get fully stuck in today as it's my day off but I am finding it hard to concentrate and that's frustrating me.My boss is also being a pain again. In a matter of weeks, I've gone from 25 hours a week to 10! I am again thinking of changing jobs but I've been in this job for three years and I know everyone. All other jobs available are caterers or carer jobs. :\ It also seems to be a thing to make people work 12 hour shifts, rather than a normal 8 hour shift. I struggle with both, but of course, 12 hours of work is physically unmanageable for me. Now I might have the stress of trying to get another job whilst I study.
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