Fighting with my project

My experimental report is a nightmare to say the least... I'm finding it very overwhelming and stressful at the moment. I had a workshop today which wasn't very helpful. I feel insecure about my design, especially after the workshop, even though it's been approved, but my tutor doesn't seem to ever understand me or blows things I say out of proportion, like he seems to read too far into what I say thinking I've gone way ahead of myself or I'm being dumb. So I worry that I'll submit this and he'll say 'what the hell did you do?!' despite him approving it, because he seems to not follow the guidance (or me) at the best of times. I guess if that happens, I can argue that he approved it. 

I've done the analysis (mostly) and I'm trying to write up the report but it's just very challenging, especially because I have no confidence in what I've done but my tutor doesn't reassure or motivate me. :\ He makes me feel like I'm bothering him all the time even though I keep my contact to him very minimal. I feel entirely alone in this even though he's my supervisor and he's meant to be my support, he keeps telling me I'm a level 3 student so I need to work it all out myself basically. I can understand that totally, but I only contact him when I really need to so to get very little back doesn't help at all!

Anyway, I need to get on top of my stress if I want to think clearly. I've been working on it most of today, I've forced myself to just sit at the computer and try my best and I think I've made very minimal progress. At least one good thing is that I don't need to write 5000 words, my tutor said he'd accept 3000-3500 words for an experiment so that was reassuring.

I can't wait until the end of the month where I'll hopefully have a completed report and I can forget about this and begin the next (and last!) stressor which are the two essays. I'm kind of looking forward to them in a weird way because it gets back to the critical social science essays we're all used to doing and they're on interesting subjects. They'll be challenging but at least I'll feel a little more confident in them (I hope!).

I achieved an 80% for TMA 04 so that's good as well!


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