Working ahead
Today I finished the end of Week 1, finished Week 2 (which was short and I already have the information. That would not have taken 16-18 hours to complete at all!) and am just beginning Week 3! I've been studying for around 4 hours. :O I have even written my assignment which is due near the end of October, though I am not going to submit it until I have gone through everything and it's nearer the deadline. I've looked up about Harvard referencing and it seems to have gone in and it's a little less daunting now.
I didn't expect to study today but I was having a rest day after our holiday, as I fell down some spiral stairs so my hands are cut, my legs are badly bruised, my knee is swollen and I've pulled a lot of the muscles in my arm and torso. I'm in a lot of pain, but studying has distracted me from it for the most part. I may actually rest tomorrow, but now I feel like I'm wasting my time if I'm not studying!The more I work on this module, the more I realise how much we're guided through this first module to prepare us for university level writing. Our assessment guide has student notes in and it even tells you where in a book, the answer to your question will be! I'm appreciating it all at the moment because I know it'll only get harder from here. Also, the more I do, the more I feel capable and in control. I won't be too worried about being behind in this module as well.
I think it's time to stop now though; I'm getting tired and losing focus so no point continuing now. I think I'll relax in front of the TV and do some cross stitching as a reward/to relax.☺
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